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We specialise in providing seizure monitoring solutions for people who are living with epilepsy and want to manage their condition. Browse our catalogue below.




Discover the world’s most advanced smartwatch for continuous health monitoring. Combining the precision of Empatica’s digital biomarkers with raw data, powerful sensors, and a beautiful design.

Alert-iT Companion Mini

Alert-iT Companion Mini


A static device that detects movement associated with tonic-clonic seizures and alerts to the included pager.


Embrace2 Epilepsy Sensor

Embrace2 Epilepsy Sensor


Ideal for people aged 6 and over who are at risk of tonic-clonic seizures. Exclusive to Epilepsy Alarms UK.

Alert-iT Pulse Companion

Alert-iT Pulse Companion


Detects changes in heart rate and alert carers and loved ones to potential seizures in the home via a pager.

Find out why thousands of families around the UK trust us to look after their relatives.